Blog posts in category Banking Law

Posted on 03/18/2020 at 03:48 PM by Howard Hagen

Categories: Banking Law, Howard Hagen

COVID-19: FDIC Issues FAQ for Financial Institutions

The FDIC has just issued an FAQ for Financial Institutions Affected by the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Referred to as...

Posted on 02/12/2019 at 10:26 AM by Bradley Kruse

Troubled Ag Loans and Chapter 12

The recent article Wall Street Journal titled Farm Belt Bankruptcies are Soaring, notes that “a wave of bankruptci...

Posted on 07/26/2018 at 04:17 PM by Howard Hagen

Trump Tariffs Impacting Farmers.  Are Your Ag Loans OK?

Since the tariff announcements, soybean futures are down 20 percent and pork futures are declining.  Meanwhile, the...