Blog posts in category John Lande

Posted on 02/04/2019 at 12:48 PM by John Lande

The $2 Million Phish

Earlier this year, the Tokyo fish market grabbed headlines when a blue fin tuna sold for a record $3 million. Less well...

Posted on 01/11/2019 at 12:42 PM by John Lande

SEC: No Really, ICOs Are Securities

A common trope is that technology is evolving too fast for the law to keep up. Companies like Uber, Tesla, and Coinbase...

Posted on 12/28/2018 at 09:51 AM by John Lande

Bank May be Liable for Unauthorized Wire Transfers

With cyberattacks and data breaches now a routine part of life, banks and depositors need to make sure they secure funds...

Posted on 12/07/2018 at 11:13 AM by John Lande

Employer Owes Employees More than a Paycheck

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court recently decided that employers have a duty to take reasonable steps to protect sensitive...

Posted on 08/02/2018 at 03:56 PM by John Lande

Hackers have my information! Now what?

The drumbeat of news of high-profile data breaches exposing customer information continues. In 2018 alone, there have be...