Blog posts in tag hackers

Posted on 09/04/2019 at 04:00 PM by John Lande

Homebuyers Beware: Don’t Pay Hackers for Your House

Cybersecurity incidents can have a dramatic impact on the lives of individuals. This blog has covered numerous cases of...

Posted on 08/02/2018 at 03:56 PM by John Lande

Hackers have my information! Now what?

The drumbeat of news of high-profile data breaches exposing customer information continues. In 2018 alone, there have be...

Posted on 09/21/2017 at 01:19 PM by Laura Wasson

Move over Martha: Hackers might be the new insiders

This Wednesday, September 20, 2017, the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) announced that EDGAR, its...