Blog posts in category Trusts & Estates Law

Posted on 10/26/2018 at 12:08 PM by David Gonzales

Wait! I needed that! (Crummey Trust Edition)

In part one and part two of this three part series, I examined the basics of Crummey Trusts for bank trustees and d...

Posted on 10/04/2018 at 01:04 PM by David Gonzales

The Crummey Side of Trust Banking

This is the first in a series of three blogs dealing with bank trustee risk and Irrevocable Life Insurance (Crummey) Tru...

Posted on 03/06/2017 at 11:41 AM by David Repp

I give all my assets to my children, per stirpes -- What?

Sometimes, when the business of law is slow, attorneys will spar with each other on social media. This happened this mor...